Thursday, July 2, 2009

We made it!

The trip was really beautiful all the way to Washington. Loren and I saw the Grand Canyon on Monday, the Salmon River and Snake River and lots of huge mountains on Tuesday, and we arrived in Pullman, WA on Wed. at 4 p.m. We picked up our apt. key, and made a quick run to Dollar Tree, Wal-Mart, and Safeway before collapsing last night. We like our apt. just fine, but it is definitely a throw-back to college days! I had to go out this morning and buy a down comforter, because the nights are really cool here. We have no A/C, just fans, and the weather is really pleasant all through the day.

Loren got to see his lab today. Some of you have been asking what he will be doing. Here is his official answer: "I will be looking at individual genetic differences in immune response to vaccines. These will be vaccines to zoonotic pathogens (animal diseases transferred to humans)." So, there you have it.

We just got our internet going, so we feel connected once again. Looking forward to this weekend, because the 4th of July is a BIG deal around here. We're going to Johnsonville, WA for a hometown parade which includes the whole town (about 100) and the visitors (about 2,000) and a barbeque and fireworks display. Loren says if you ever wanted to be in a parade you should come to Johnsonville. I have so much more to share, but I know this can tend to get long and rambling, so I'll close for now. I'll send pictures soon. We are happy here and will enjoy this adventure, but will be happy to be back in Texas in December. Love you all!

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